Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Snacks Day one!

Snacking Basics

        According to recent research, 93% of Americans snack, with 50% of them feeling the need to munch up to 2-3 times a day. While snacking in itself isn’t bad for you, and can in fact be quite good, the challenge is to snack wisely. However, most Americans are confused about which snacks fit into a sensible diet. Conflicting headlines and dueling studies cause a great deal of confusion, and lead many people to give up on trying to make educated choices.

        However, there is some good news. Healthy snacking can benefit any balanced meal plan. You can maximize your health and nutrition, as well as keep your metabolism humming, when you select snacks that are low in fat and calories and high in fiber. For optimal nutrition, aim for 4-6 total small meals and snacks in a day. To stay within your calorie budget, cut calories from your full meals to make room for the snacks you want.

Back to basics!

Think back! What did your mom give you as a kid?

My favorite was rice cakes, cream cheese and fresh blueberries. It tastes good and has protien, antioxidants and brain food with a crunch.

How about a banana covered in peanut butter then rolled in chopped pecans?

Bag up the vegetables in sandwich baggies so you can grab and go!

Granola (cereal )and yogurt….

Small pretzel sticks with just the ends dipped I melted chocolate chips.
15 match stick pretzels and 2teaspoons of chocolate chips is only 100 Calories!

Blueberries and grapes portioned in the freeze for a quick cool snack!

Missing potato chips and that lovely pop in your moth crunch?

Try this...
Mix in a large bowl

2 Tablespoons of sugar

1 Tablespoon of cinnamon

Then toss in..

4 Granny Smith apples sliced as thin as you can get them

Coat the apples but don’t worry if you miss spots!

Lay out on two parchment papered cookie sheets and bake in a 250 degree oven till just crisp. About two hours.

This makes 4 servings @ 100 calories each

Just remember it’s not always snack it’s the amount and how often.

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