Monday, June 21, 2010

The beginning of the journey!

Cold truths…..Diets works, it’s the people that do them that don’t! If you diet like crazy and loose 10, 20, 50 pounds, when you stop you gain over time 15, 25, 60 pounds. That is what doesn’t work for me! So what ever you do it better be something you can do the rest of your life! Atkins, Weight Watchers, Jenny Systems, what ever the bottom line is… 1. Eat less 2. Exercise 3. Change what you are doing! In the coming weeks I will be posting recipes, food ideas, money savings tips and much more. I am also working on food issues. Why do we eat and where? What makes us do it! Yes because we like it. But if we figure out certain things that trigger our eating it might ease the battle.

1. I found that I eat in my car a lot.

2. I eat junk because it’s easier.

3. I eat when I am thirsty.

4. I also find myself dying to eat when I am tired. It’s a way to comfort myself.

So for the next 6 weeks…

1. I am not going to eat in my car. I am even going to clean it out. No crumbs!

2. I am going to pre-make snacks in small baggies, make meals and soups I can warm quickly and share them on this blog.

3. I will drink some water before I eat.

4. I will stop and think about why I want to eat. If I am tired I will take a nap or drink coffee if I am on the run.

It is a fact that it takes 6 weeks to see any real results for anything. I also think it’s doable to do something for just 6 weeks. The beauty of this plan is I can still eat what I want. I can still live my life. It’s not costing me money. I don’t feel like I am missing anything! I only have to change four things and I can do this the rest of my life! In six weeks I will let you know how it went!

1 comment:

  1. Good on you, Anne Marie. You've got a great plan and you are going to reach your goal!
